MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Golf Putter

Product ID: 5685

RRP £64.99

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Product Description

Enhance your golf game with the MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Golf Putter! Engineered to improve your short putting game, the MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Golf Putter is your perfect go-to club for any putt from inside 15 feet. The putter’s advanced head-shaping technology helps keep the head stable on a wide range of pick angles and helps restore the feel of your stroke on faster, more challenging greens. This club also offers more stability on the green for a smoother, more accurate strike. Constructed with a lasting stainless steel finish, the X 004 can withstand even the toughest weather conditions and abuse from the course. Experience total control on the green and improve your short-game performance today with the MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Golf Putter.

Product Information

Head Type:
Face Type:
Right Handed
1 Year
Headcover Included:


  1. Head Design: The MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Putter features a unique, triple milled cavity back design with an alignment aid on the top line that helps golfers better line up the putt. This design also utilizes a high counter balance for a very solid feel at impact.
  2. Feel: The MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Putter is designed with a Tour-quality soft polymer insert that helps provide a soft, solid feel at impact. This helps to improve the sound and feel of each putt, as well as give golfers more control over their touch.
  3. Alignment System: The MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Putter also features a new alignment system that allows golfers to set the ball whiter on the putter face. This will help golfers hit more accurate putts.
  4. Grip: The MacGregor MACTEC X 004 Putter comes with a Super Stroke Mid-Size Pistol Putter grip, which is designed to help golfers create a more consistent putting stroke. This grip is larger than the standard size and is perfect for golfers who need a little extra help in maintaining a smooth stroke.

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