Duca Del Cosma Stanford Golf Shoes - Coffee

Product ID: 5909

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Duca Del Cosma Stanford Golf Shoes - Coffee 1
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If you are going to buy a Duca Del Cosma Stanford Golf Shoes - Coffee then why pay more than you need to? At CompareGolfPrices.co.uk we scan and check pricing for Duca del Cosma products at all the major online retailers every day to make sure the cheapest price is always available. You can also use our unique GoLowPro service and get a quote from a local pro shop which is normally cheaper for Duca Del Cosma Stanford Golf Shoes - Coffee than online pricing.

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Product Description

Bringing together classic Italian style with modern performance, the Duca Del Cosma Stanford Golf Shoes are the perfect combination of style and power. Combining leather and suede, these luxurious shoes feature an innovative outsole built for the golfer who demands the very best in comfort and grip. The low-profile cushioning system ensures absolute shock absorption and comfort during the round. A waterproof membrane ensures that you stay warm and dry regardless of the conditions, and the GORE-TEX lined interior allows feet to breathe without compromising protection from the elements. With a sleek coffee hue, these shoes will provide a sophisticated yet powerful look on the course.

Product Information

Duca del Cosma
Golf Boots
Fitted Spikes:
Widths Available:
1 Year

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